Grant Application

Grant requests for financial assistance from qualifying organizations are reviewed by the KOVAR Board at its bimonthly meeting held on the second Saturday
of February, April, June, August, October, and December. To be eligible for review a grant request must be received by the first of the month preceding a
Board meeting. (Grants to be reviewed at the February meeting must be received by KOVAR prior to the first of January, etc.) Please do not send signature
required or certified, this delays action on the grant.

Maximum grant request is $20,000 and no more than 1 grant in an 18-month period.

Please review the guidelines below in completing a request.

A completed grant application must also contain items 2-5 (and 6 & 7, if applicable) set forth in the Grant Package Requirements below.

If you submit your application electronically and need to send additional information subsequent to clicking
on the ‘Submit’ button,
please send the information to

Grant received by Will be reviewed at board meeting in
January 1 February meeting
March 1 April Meeting
May 1 June Meeting
July 1 August meeting
September 1 October Meeting
November 1 December Meeting

Maximum grant request is $20,000 and organizations are allowed 1 approved grant every 18 months.

Grant Package Requirements

1. Completed and submitted electronic grant appication found below the requirements.

2. Detailed description of request, including:

  • Description of the existing need this grant will address. How will the goods and/or services requested assist persons with Intellectual Disabilities
    served by the organization?
  • Discuss the impact on the program/service if the grant is denied or only funded in part. Prioritize goods/services requested in the event KOVAR
    can approve only a portion of the request.
  • Identify other sources of funding/income sought prior to requesting funds from KOVAR.

3. Background data on requesting organization, including:

  • Purpose of organization or agency
  • Number and brief description of population demographics
  • Percentage of clients with diagnosis of Intellectual Disabilities
  • Primary source of organization funding (public, private).  Attach a copy of the organization’s budget and/or project budget. If the grant requested
    is for less than 100% of the project cost, include a brief description of fund raising efforts and timetable for completion.

4. Documentation of Tax Exempt Status

  • If the requesting organization is affiliated with a school system, a statement of support from the Director of Special Education Services (or similar title),
    but at the highest level in the system, is required.
  • Either provide your Federal Tax ID number or a statement confirming your affiliation with a church or governmental unit, or other tax exempt organization.

5. Market Research

  • Attach three bids/price quotes for each item requested. These quotes should be the actual quote from the vendor or a copy of a page from the Internet.
    If a single source bid is provided a statement must be included justifying the single source purchase. If the item requested is of a higher
    quality/cost than normal, a statement justifying the reasoning must be included.

6. Furniture

  • If you are submitting a request for funding of furniture and submit a quote from Butler Woodcrafters Inc. (
    or 804-897-3400), no additional quotes are necessary. Be sure to let Butler Woodcrafters know you are submitting a KOVAR grant application
    so they apply the KOVAR discount to their quote.

7. Transportation

  • KOVAR will provide 20% of the funding, up to $20,000, for a transportation grant sought in conjunction with a Virginia DRPT grant for the other 80%.
    Find requirements for a DRPT grant at this link
  • A non-DRPT grant has a limit of $15,000.

A Virginia Knights of Columbus Charity

Grant Guidelines

The KOVAR Board meets the second Saturday of February, April, June, August, October, and December to consider grant applications. To ensure that a grant request will be considered at a KOVAR Board meeting a properly completed grant package must be received by the Vice President of Grants according to the table below. KOVAR will fund only requests for goods and services designed to improve the quality of life for Virginians with intellectual disabilities. Following receipt of a grant, KOVAR requires recipients to submit receipts or documentation that goods or services funded by the grant were received or provided.

    description description description description description description